2023 Title II Grant Program – Tribal
Funds from the Title II Grant program have been set aside for federally recognized tribal governments that serve tribal youth, which will be awarded through this Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
This grant will target the reduction of the overrepresentation of Tribal youth in contact with the juvenile justice system.
Funds from the Title II Grant program have been set aside for federally recognized tribal governments that serve tribal youth, which will be awarded through this Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
This grant will target the reduction of the overrepresentation of Tribal youth in contact with the juvenile justice system.
Proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 9, 2023. Applicants must ensure the proposal package is signed with a digital signature OR a wet blue ink signature that is then scanned with the completed proposal package. Please submit one (1) completed proposal package via email to: jj_grants@bscc.ca.gov.
Prospective applicants are invited – but not required – to attend a Bidders’ Conference. The purpose of the Title II Grant Program Tribal Bidders’ Conference is to answer technical questions from prospective bidders (applicants) and provide clarity on RFP instructions. The Bidder's Conference will be held on May 2, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom
• Meeting ID: 889 1330 9859 | Passcode: 339366
Applicants interested in applying for the Title II Grant Program Tribal are asked, but not required, to submit a non-binding letter indicating their intent to apply.
Services and programs proposed in response to this RFP must be designed to serve Tribal Youth who are at-risk and/or have been under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system and are under the age of 26.
Applicants for Title II Grant Program - Tribal funding must be a:
1. A federally recognized Indian tribe, as described by the Juvenile Justice Reauthorization Act3; Or
2. A Private nonprofit agency, organization, or institution designated by a federally recognized Indian tribe to implement the Title II grant program.
This Title II grant will fund:
1. Aftercare/Reentry
2. Alternatives to Detention and Placement
3. Community-Based Programs & Services
4. Diversion
5. Mentoring, Counseling & Training Programs
6. Job Training
Successful applicants will be funded for a three-year grant project service period commencing on October 1, 2023, and ending on September 30, 2026, and a final evaluation period commencing on October 1, 2026, ending December 31, 2026. An additional three (3) months (October 1, 2026 through December 31, 2026) will be included in the grant agreement for the sole purposes of:
• Finalizing and submitting a required Local Evaluation Report, and
• Finalizing and submitting any required financial audit.
The maximum amount of funding available is $350,000 annually. Applicants must apply for the same amount of funding for all three years (e.g., first year: $350,000, second year: $350,000, and third year: $350,000; totaling $1,050,000 for a three-year period).
The Title II Grant Program Tribal does not require a match.
In addition to quarterly progress reports, projects selected for funding will be required to submit to the BSCC: (1) a Local Evaluation Plan (LEP), three months post-award, and,
(2) a Local Evaluation Report (LER), after the conclusion of the grant.
Disbursement of grant funds occurs on a reimbursement basis for costs incurred during a reporting period.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Tribal Government
Applicants for Title II Grant Program - Tribal funding must be a:
1. A federally recognized Indian tribe, as described by the Juvenile Justice Reauthorization Act3; Or
2. A Private nonprofit agency, organization, or institution designated by a federally recognized Indian tribe to implement the Title II grant program.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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