Trauma Recovery Center Grant Fiscal Year 24/25

The Trauma Recovery Center Grant funds centers throughout California that assist victims of violent crime. These centers provide wrap-around services and assist victims who are typically unserved and underserved communities.
The Trauma Recovery Center (TRC) Grant funds organizations that operate throughout California to provide survivors of violent crime access to mental health or social services that may not be accessible for them through existing avenues. The TRC model offers wrap-around clinical services and cost-effective solutions for under- or unserved survivors and includes assertive outreach, clinical case management, assistance with law enforcement, referral to community resources and trauma-informed treatment. TRCs are meant to meet the victim where they are and serve each victim specific to his/her/their needs. Grant planning is not an eligible activity. Funding for TRCs varies each year with $2,000,000 from the Restitution Fund and a percentage of savings from the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Fund (SNSF) that varies annually. Individual awards vary by number of passing applications, funds available, and the amount requested to fund the TRC. Grants are for two fiscal years at a time, and TRCs may re-apply at the end of their awarded grant period to avoid a lapse in funding. Each year, CalVCB posts a Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) that instructs how interested applicants may apply and what each application should include. Questions about the NOFA may be submitted and will receive a timely response within the application deadline. Due dates for the application will be included in the NOFA posting. TRCs must follow the May 2017 edition of the evidence-informed model of care developed by the State Pilot TRC, including a multidisciplinary staff that includes a Program Director, Psychologist, Psychiatrist and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) or Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). Each TRC is expected to invoice monthly, submit data reports monthly and maintain records to fulfill site visit and/or audit requirements. Typical expenses for TRCs include: • Salary and benefits for personnel
•Contracted personnel• Operating expenses related to direct services such as rent, insurance, utilities, postage, telephone service, internet costs, printed outreach materials, and other costs approved by the board• Emergency funds to help clients with nominal crime-related costs to meet the immediate needs of TRC clients such as transportation, childcare, food, emergency shelter, or clothing • Costs associated with community outreach events and activities • In-state training for the provision of trauma-informed evidence-based and evidence-informed practices as outlined in the grant application and approved in advance • Indirect costs (your organization must have a pre-existing cost rate agreement)The CalVCB Board reviews recommendations made and approves or denies the funding recommendation. Upon Board approval, grantees will be notified of their grant award, with all applicants receiving notification of results.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Individual
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Eligible Geographies:
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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