Technical Assistance Program (TAP) 2024-2025

This grant is ONLY open to Small Business Technical Assistance Centers.
This is NOT a grant to small businesses.
TAP seeks to expand consulting and training to small businesses entrepreneurs. Funding is for new or enhanced consulting and training services to small businesses. Applicants must provide match funding in the form of federal or private funding to conduct technical assistance to small businesses. Please see RFP for more information.
This grant is ONLY open to Small Business Technical Assistance Centers. This is NOT a grant to small businesses.
Program Background: California is home to a range of small business technical assistance centers (“Centers”) that provide free or low-cost one-on-one, confidential consulting and training to help small businesses and entrepreneurs start, grow and expand, and create jobs in California. These Centers are funded in part by federal and private funding sources and are a crucial aspect of the support system for small business growth and entrepreneurship across the State.
TAP provides state funding to support direct services to small businesses and entrepreneurs including through expansion of services to underserved businesses and regions. The program is intended for established Centers with a track record of high-quality technical assistance work. In addition, the program is intended for centers with the capacity to build on existing work, expand to serve California’s underserved business groups, and ensure equitable access and opportunity for all California small businesses.
Program Duration: The program year will begin October 1, 2024 and end September 30, 2025.
Matching Funds: Eligible applicants must provide 1-to-1 matching funds from an eligible funding source. See the section on 'Matching Funds' below.
Letter of Intent: A letter of intent is required and must completed by July 31, 2024 via an online submission here: TAP Letter of Intent.
The letter of intent will require the following information: The legal entity name of the applying organization, the estimated amount of funding that will be requested, the number of subcenters that will be included in the application.
Minimum Funding Amount: The minimum award amount is $25,000.00. Applications requesting less than this amount will be declined.
Maximum Funding Amount: The maximum amount an eligible applicant may apply for will vary based on the amount of eligible matching funds they have available.
Eligible Activities: Eligible consulting and training services covered by the Program’s grant funding include, among others: Business plans and strategy; Capital readiness and fundraising; Expansion and revenue growth strategies such as export training, government and private procurement, e-commerce marketplace development and other business development strategies; Marketing; Management; Operations; Financial management; Cybersecurity; Production/manufacturing assistance and increased productivity strategies; Innovation and tech transfer; Business resilience such as emergency preparedness, disaster economic recovery, succession planning, youth entrepreneurship.
See for more information.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
• Federally or privately funded small business technical assistance centers in California that provide free or low-cost one-on-one consulting and training to small businesses and entrepreneurs in California.
• Applicants must be a federally designated TA center, 501(c)(3), or 501(c)(6).
More information at:
Eligible Geographies:
Eligible applicants must be located in the State of California and provide services to California's small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Matching Funding Requirement:
Matching funds must be sourced from either:
A federal funding partner (e.g., U.S. Small Business Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Agriculture, etc.). A private philanthropic organization with a mission of economic empowerment of underserved microbusinesses or small businesses and entrepreneurs.
See Program Announcement at:
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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