Senate Bill 1 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Grant Program

The goal of the Senate Bill 1 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Grant Program (SB 1 Grant Program) is to support the implementation of SB 1 (Atkins, 2021) for local, regional, and tribal governments. Ultimately, the SB 1 Grant Program aims to provide funding for coastal communities to develop consistent sea level rise (SLR) adaptation plans and projects to build resilience to SLR along the entire coast of California and San Francisco Bay.
The SB 1 Grant Program aims to provide funding for sea level rise (SLR) adaptation planning to help prepare communities for the impacts of climate change. While many jurisdictions have advanced planning already underway or complete, many others have yet to begin comprehensive planning or assessments. The Ocean Protection Council (OPC) aims to address this need by offering funding for a range of SLR planning activities. These fall into the following categories:
Track 1: SLR Adaptation Planning
Phase 1: Pre-planning (explore, define, assess)
Community Visioning Vulnerability Assessment
Phase 2: Data Collection
Data/Information Gathering
Phase 3: Planning (define adaptation frameworks and strategies)
SLR Adaptation Plan SF Bay Shoreline Adaptation Plan Sector-Specific Adaptation Plan
Track 2: SLR Implementation Projects
Phase 4: Project Implementation (implement, innovate, assess, adjust)
Nature-based and Green-Grey Hybrid2 Adaptation Projects/Feasibility Study/Design Plans
Track One proposals (Projects in the Pre-planning, Data Collection, and Planning Phases) will be accepted through a rolling, quarterly, non-competitive process, provided the proposals satisfy the Sea Level Rise Adaptation Criteria and requirements of the SB 1 Grant Program solicitation. Track Two proposals (Projects in the Implementation Project Phase) will be accepted through a competitive process starting in mid-late 2024, subject to availability of funding.
A complementary SB 1 Technical Assistance (TA) Program is in the process of being established to provide application assistance to local, regional, and tribal governments that represent Environmental Justice communities applying for SLR adaptation planning funding through the SB 1 Grant Program. TA will be tailored based on the applicants’ needs, including but not limited to capacity building and grant writing support. The TA Program is expected to launch in Quarter 1 of 2024. The most up-to-date information on the SB 1 TA Program, including information on how to apply for TA (once available), can be found on the SB 1 Funding webpage.
Keywords: sea level rise; SLR; climate change; adaptation; planning; coastal resilience
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Applicants that are eligible to apply for this SB 1 Grant Program opportunity consist of local governments, regional governments, and federally recognized tribal governments. Organizations or consultants who apply on a government’s behalf may be considered, however, explicit support and collaboration between the organization and government must be provided within the application (via Letter of Support).
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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