Local Conservation Corps Grant Program

The Local Conservation Corps (LCC) Grant Program provides grants to certified community conservation corps to serve youth 18-25 years of age with a 3 component program including job skills in recycling, education and career education. LCCs provide beverage container litter reduction programs, and waste tire, E-waste and used oil recycling-related services.
Eligible LCCs are required to submit a comprehensive budget for each respective funding source and a narrative that includes goals, objectives, supporting activities and outcomes specific to each material fund source. CalRecycle staff will conduct a thorough review of all applications to confirm application completeness and an LCC’s grant award eligibility, which includes but is not limited to, being in good standing with CalRecycle. Eligible applicants include:Eligible applicants for this grant program are Corps that are reviewed and certified annually by the California Conservation Corps (CCC) according to compliance with certification criteria outlined in PRC section 14507.5(a). The CCC certifies the eligibility of each LCC by conducting annual certification site visits. The CCC provides CalRecycle with a certification report for each LCC by March 31st of each fiscal year. Eligible projects include:Eligible activities will be identified on the application and reported quarterly during the grant term. CalRecycle staff proposes the activities listed below as eligible. Related activities not listed below must be included in the Grant Project Summary and be approved by a CalRecycle Grant Manager. E-waste• Collection, sorting, storing, clean-up, and transfer of E-waste.• E-waste recycling (if permitted).• Communication and coordination with partners, local or state government or businesses regarding E-waste events and services.• Organization, facilitation, and management of collection events• Outreach and education to the public about E-waste, events, etc.• Internships with E-waste businesses. Waste Tire• Collection, clean-up, hauling, and disposal of waste tires.• Communication and coordination with local and state government agencies related to remediation of waste tires at amnesty events and on public lands.• Outreach and education to the public about waste tire issues and collection events.• Internships with waste tire businesses.• Waste tire clean-up projects along the US-Mexico border. Used Oil• Certified Collection Center (CCC) signage reviews. • Establishment and operation of a CCC.• Labor for filter exchange events, filter crushing and draining.• Purchase and distribution of Do-It-Yourself used oil kits, bilge pads, or other used oil remediation and management materials as approved by CalRecycle.• Outreach and education to the public about used oil (storm drain stenciling, dock walking, and distribution of Do-It-Yourself kits). • Communication and coordination with state and local government and businesses related to used oil events and services.• Internships with used oil recycling businesses. Beverage Container• Collection, clean-up, sorting, storage, and transfer of beverage containers.• Communication and coordination with local and state government agencies, businesses, schools, multi-family complexes, and large venues to implement recycling programs and services.• Operation of a recycling center.• Outreach and education to the public about beverage container recycling at events.• Internships with beverage container recycling businesses.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
Only Local Conservation Corps certified by the California Conservation Corps are eligible to apply.
Eligible Geographies:
All services are to be provided within the State of California.
Matching Funding Requirement:
The grant from CalRecycle may not comprise more than 75% of an LCC's total budget.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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