2022 Title II Grant Program
This Grant Program provides alternatives to detention, promotes youth safety and well-being while in custody, and identifies and supports successful and emerging reentry models. It intends that in-custody programs focus on rehabilitation and building individual strengths instead of punishment for past mistakes and deficits. It intends that California’s disproportionate representation of youth of color in the juvenile justice system be addressed.
Services and programs proposed in response to this RFP must be designed to serve people who are at-risk and/or have been under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system and are under the age of 26.
To support targeted delinquency prevention and intervention efforts, OJJDP developed a comprehensive list of Program Purpose Areas (PPAs) that are permissible uses of Title II funds. The SACJJDP further refined the PPAs that California would fund in the 2021-2023 Title II State Plan.
Applicants for Title II Grant Program must identify at least one PPA that the program will address. Applicants may address more than one PPA or a combination of PPAs. There are six (6) PPAs an applicant may select from as shown below:
• Aftercare/Reentry
• Alternatives to Detention and Placement
• Community Based Programs
• Diversion
• Mentoring, Counseling, and Training Programs
• Job Training
Applicants for Title II Grant Program must be a:
1. Unit of local government (including individual agencies or departments within a City and County or a School District) that partner with private nonprofit agencies, organizations, and institutions.
2. Private nonprofit agency, organization, or institution; Or
3. A federally recognized Indian tribe (at least one eligible program will be funded).
Proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 12, 2022. Applicants must ensure the proposal package is signed with a digital signature OR a wet blue ink signature that is then scanned with the completed proposal package. Please submit one (1)completed proposal package via email to: jj_grants@bscc.ca.gov.
Successful applicants will be funded for a three-year grant project service period commencing on January 1, 2023, and ending on December 31, 2025, and a final evaluation period commencing on January 1, 2026, ending March 31, 2026. An additional three (3) months (January 1, 2026 through March 31, 2026) will be included in the grant agreement for the sole purposes of:
• Finalizing and submitting a required Local Evaluation Report, and
• Finalizing and submitting any required financial audit.
Approximately $4,000,000 will be available for the first year of the grant cycle (January 1,2023 – December 31, 2023). Funding amounts for the second year (January 1, 2024 -December 31, 2024), third year (January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025), and final evaluation period (January 1, 2026 – March 31, 2026) are contingent on OJJDP Title IIawards and amounts not yet known.
The maximum amount of funding available per grant is $350,000 annually.
Applicants must apply for the same amount of funding for all three years (e.g., first year:$350,000, second year: $350,000, and third year: $350,000; totaling $1,050,000 for a three-year period). Grantees may be able to carry unspent funds into the next calendar year, with prior BSCC approval. It is extremely important applicants plan and budget carefully and apply only for funding they can justify by services offered and the target population served each year of the three-year grant period.
Applicants must receive at least 66% of the total points available to be considered for funding.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Applicants for Title II Grant Program must be a:
1. Unit of local government (including individual agencies or departments within a City and County or a School District) that partner with private nonprofit agencies, organizations, and institutions.
2. Private nonprofit agency, organization, or institution; Or
3. A federally recognized Indian tribe (at least one eligible program will be funded).
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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