Wildfire Recovery and Forest Resilience Directed Grant Program

The primary priority of the 2022 Wildfire Recovery and Forest Resilience Directed Grant Program is the planning and implementation of forest health projects that promote wildfire recovery and forest resilience and support the goals of California’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan and the Sierra Nevada Conservancy Watershed Improvement Program.
Fires are becoming larger and more damaging, and the 2020 and 2021 fire seasons were among the most severe in the state’s history. The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) is taking significant steps to fund projects that can reduce wildfire risks and respond to recent wildfire damage. This program seeks to create more-resilient forest landscapes, reduce wildfire risk, and accelerate recovery from recent wildfires.
California’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan identifies three goals that are strongly aligned with the WIP: healthy and resilient natural places, safe communities, and sustainable economies. Both plans also stress the importance of climate resiliency, regionally tailored solutions, the linkages between ecological and economic health, the importance of low-intensity fire, and the need to work strategically across land ownership boundaries. This grant program aims to support projects with the following, additional focal areas: multi-benefit projects, landscape-scale projects, high-impact projects, wildfire recovery, and projects developed under the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity program.
To be eligible to receive a grant award from the SNC under this program, projects must meet all of the following criteria:
1) Be located within or provide services to the Sierra Nevada Region as defined by current SNC governing legislation
2) Be consistent with the SNC mission and program areas as defined in the SNC Strategic Plan.
3) Be consistent with the requirements of the funding source and budget provisions.
4) Be complete by 01/01/2028.
5) Result in a clear, demonstrable, and enduring public benefit
6) Meet all California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements, as applicable.
Consistent with provisions of the program funding and objectives of the proposed project, the SNC may give favorable consideration to projects which involve California Native American tribes; were developed under the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity program; address fire recovery objectives; directly benefit severely disadvantaged (SDAC) or disadvantage (DAC) communities; engage a workforce development effort, including but not limited to tribal workforce programs, California Conservation Corps, or other training programs; employ a collaborative approach in project development or implementation; leverage private, federal, or local resources; or enable the equitable geographic distribution of SNC resources.
Application Process:
Proposals are developed in conjunction with SNC. To initiate consideration of a project, please contact the appropriate contact SNC Area Representative and the Area Representative will assist the applicant to determine if the project meets SNC criteria. If it is determined that SNC will consider the project, the Area Representative will share the SNC proposal form with the applicant and assist in developing the project.
Please read and review the full grant program guidelines here.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
- Public agencies: any city, county, special district, joint powers authority, state agency, or federal agency
- Qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofit
- Eligible Tribal Entities which is one or both of the following: (1) Recognized by the United States and identified within the most current Federal Register; (2) Listed on the contact list maintained by the Native American Heritage Commission as a California Native American tribe.
Eligible Geographies:
The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) region as defined by the Conservancy's current governing legislation.
Matching Funding Requirement:
While match funding is not required, it is considered in the project evaluation process.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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