Stream Gage Improvement Program

To better understand water resources statewide, DWR is seeking to fund public entities to improve stream gage infrastructure and bridge data gaps as part of the Stream Gage Improvement Program (CalSIP).
Through CalSIP, public agencies can receive financial assistance to upgrade, reactivate, or install new surface water monitoring stations, at no additional cost to them, that share stream flow data to help inform water management decisions.
To be eligible for the CalSIP funding, projects must provide real-time stream data to the public stream gage network through the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC). Eligible projects need to provide data to inform at least one program water management areas (e.g., flood, water quality, water supply, ecosystem).Eligible gaging sites must:• Be on natural waterways within California (not on canals or diversion ditches where flows are controlled by diversion structures where primary function is for conveyance and distribution of surface water). • Provide telemetered real-time stream gage data (15-minute intervals). The measurement and reporting of the stage (water surface elevation in feet, North American Vertical Datum of 1988 [NAVD88]), flow (discharge in cubic feet per second), and water temperature in F, are preferred.• Have an operational gage by October 1, 2026.Projects and locations not eligible for CalSIP funding include: • Canals or waterways developed and maintained for water delivery,non-natural waterways. • Operations and maintenance (O&M) for current stations.Examples of projects that meet the intent of CalSIP are provided in Table 1. This list is not exhaustive; other projects can be considered at the discretion of DWR. Proposed gage locations are not limited to the priority watersheds identified in the SB 19 Plan; sites located outside of SB 19 priority watersheds are eligible.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Funding for stream gaging under CalSIP is available for eligible public agencies and federally listed Tribes. Public entities may include:
Local agencies (e.g., counties, cities), Special districts (e.g., community service districts, irrigation districts, flood control districts, reclamation districts, water districts, groundwater sustainability agencies), Colleges and universities, federally recognized Tribes.
Eligible Geographies:
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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