Pollinator Habitat Program

The program’s primary objective is to support pollinators through provision of floral resources, host plants, and other elements of suitable habitat to be integrated with farming operations. Projects funded through the PHP can be expected to have additional benefits to California’s biodiversity and agricultural production.
The Budget Act of 2021 (SB 170, Skinner) allocated $15 million to CDFA for fiscal year 2021-2022 to provide grant funding for the establishment of pollinator habitat on agricultural lands throughout California. The Budget Act of 2021 (SB 170, Chapter 240) directed the Department to administer the Pollinator Habitat Program and to prioritize the planning of native habitats for the benefit of native biodiversity and the use of locally appropriate native plant seed mixes when feasible. Non-native plants can be utilized to balance the practicality of availability, cost effectiveness, pollinator value, and likelihood of successful establishment; however native is preferred.
The Pollinator Habitat Program will provide up to $14.5 million in funding to established and experienced organizations (See Eligibility) to work directly with farmers and ranchers to install habitat and implement management practices that support pollinators.
The grant term will be three years. Awarded projects must be complete and operational no later than 36 months after the start of the grant agreement. The anticipated start date May 1, 2023.
The maximum award is $2,000,000. Of this amount, 18% may be used for technical assistance, administrative tasks, and indirect costs. Indirect costs of up to 25% of direct costs are included in this amount. The reminder of the grant funds will be dedicated to practice implementation and reimbursed through flat payment rates. Grants are paid out on a reimbursement basis following invoice submission by awardee.
The following entities are eligible to apply for PHP grants: Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs); University of California (UC), California Community Colleges, or California State Universities (CSU); Non-profits including, but not limited to: Land Trusts with the conservation of agricultural lands as their mission or amongst their stated purposes; Federally- and California-Recognized Native American Indian Tribes. Agricultural commodity groups are encouraged to apply in partnership with the above eligible entities.
Entities applying for PHP grants must have demonstrated expertise and experience in habitat restoration on agricultural lands or implementation of conservation management practices that support pollinators. Partnerships between multiple organizations are encouraged.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Tribal Government
The following entities are eligible to apply for PHP grants:
Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs); University of California (UC), California Community Colleges, or California State Universities (CSU); Non-profits including, but not limited to: Land Trusts with the conservation of agricultural lands as their mission or amongst their stated purposes; Federally- and California-Recognized Native American Indian Tribes
Eligible Geographies:
The funding is available for projects throughout the state of California. Pollinator habitat projects must be installed on agricultural land.
Matching Funding Requirement:
Before the end of the grant term, Recipients will develop an Outcome Monitoring Plan that will identify metrics to be monitored and reported to CDFA for three years following the end of the grant agreement. Execution of the monitoring plan in years 1-3 after the end of the grant term will be considered cost share.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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