Infill Infrastructure Grant Program – Catalytic Qualifying Infill Area Phase II Solicitation

The primary goal of IIGC is to promote infill housing development by providing financial assistance for Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs or Projects ) that are an integral part of, or necessary to facilitate the development of Catalytic Qualifying Infill Areas. Under the Program, grants are available as gap funding for infrastructure and other capital improvements necessary for specific residential or mixed-use infill development proposals.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (Department) is pleased to announce the release of the Phase II Solicitation (Solicitation) for approximately $105 million in funds available under the Infill Infrastructure Grant Program – Catalytic Qualifying Infill Area (IIGC or Program) as follows:
- $15 million for Small Jurisdictions
- $90 million for Large Jurisdictions
Under the Program, grants are available as gap funding for infrastructure improvements, Factory-Built Housing components, and Adaptive Reuse necessary for specific residential or mixed-use infill developments. Sites and parcels that make up Catalytic Qualifying Infill Areas must have been either previously developed (within the last ten years) or largely surrounded by sites developed with Urban Uses. Eligible improvements include, but are not limited to, the creation, development, or rehabilitation of Parks or Open Space, water, sewer or other utility service improvements, streets, roads, or transit linkages or facilities, facilities that support pedestrian or bicycle transit, traffic mitigation, sidewalk or streetscape improvements, Factory-Built Housing components, Adaptive Reuse, or site prepar
The minimum Program Award amount is $15 million in Large Jurisdictions and $5 million in Small Jurisdictions and Rural Areas. The maximum Program Award amount is $45 million in Large Jurisdictions and $15 million in Small Jurisdictions. The Department may consider increasing per Unit amounts based on the overall infrastructure needs of Catalytic Qualifying Infill Areas as proposed in Phase I Applications.
The Phase II Solicitation is the second step of the IIGC application process:
- In Phase I, Eligible Applicants were asked to provide a Concept Proposal.
- In Phase II, the Department released the Solicitation detailing programmatic requirements. The Solicitation is a single document that describes and combines the Program guidelines and the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). Applicants deemed eligible in Phase I will be invited to apply unless the Program promises to be significantly oversubscribed. In that event the most competitive eligible applications will be invited to submit a full application.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
Eligible Applicant means a city, county, city and county, or public housing authority that has jurisdiction over a CQIA. Public housing authority shall be interpreted to include a Tribally Designated Housing Entity.
Eligible Geographies:
The Department will target 48 percent of the total funds to Applications from Southern California, 32 percent to Northern California, and 10 percent to Applications from Rural areas. The remaining 10 percent shall not be subject to a specific geographic distribution and will be awarded to the next highest scoring Applications without consideration of regional location.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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