Equal Representation in Construction Apprenticeships (ERiCA) Grant Program Year (PY) 2023-2025

The California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) announce the availability of $25 million in funding to improve access to training and employment opportunities for women, non-binary and underserved populations within the building and construction trades. The Equal Representation in Construction Apprenticeship (ERiCA) grant funds will be used to cover childcare costs and improve outreach.
The Equal Representation in Construction Apprenticeship (ERiCA) grant can help organizations that are already working to assist women, non-binary and underserved communities to enter the construction trades. Community-based organizations, local education agencies, workforce boards, unions and other organizations that support equity in the construction industry are eligible to apply.
The funds from this grant will go towards supportive resources for childcare and outreach and community building for women, non-binary and underserved populations. The supportive resources for childcare will go to DAS-registered construction pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs that are hiring parents with childcare challenges.
For Supportive Resources for Childcare
Pre-apprenticeship: $5,000 per eligible pre-apprentice in a registered pre-apprenticeship program, or
Apprenticeship: $10,000 per eligible apprentice in a registered apprenticeship program
Proposals under this category of funding must identify how many eligible participants the grant will support.
The maximum amount per proposal for this category of funding is $3,000,000.
The Funds will also be awarded to bolster outreach and community building to better support women, non-binary and underserved communities interested in a rewarding career in the building and construction industry.
For Outreach and Community Building
This category of funding is designed to bolster outreach and community building to better support women, non-binary, and underserved populations interested in a career in the building/construction industry. Underserved populations are defined as participants who would be eligible for WIOA Title I funding; Adult, Dislocated Workers and Out-of-School and In-School Youth.
The maximum amount per proposal for this category of funding is $2,000,000. If an applicant is applying to both categories of funding, the maximum combined grant proposal cannot exceed $4,000,000.
Allowable reimbursable activities include:
a. Recruiting and training mentors to support women, non-binary and other underserved populations;
b. Providing technical assistance to apprenticeship programs that are working to achieve better representation of women, non-binary and underserved populations in their program both in terms of sourcing and advancement through the program.
c. Creating new marketing strategies to recruit more women, non-binary and underserved populations into the trades. Activities could include a hands-on Women’s Career Fair, which provides opportunities to use simulators, hand tools, etc. or other innovative outreach strategies.
d. Crafting regional networking among women, non-binary and underserved populations in the trades;
e. Initiating intentional cohorting of women, non-binary and underserved populations entering the trades to create a supportive community;
f. Targeting outreach and networking with contractors and employers to address any concern around hiring women, non-binary and underserved apprentices;
g. Coordinating with public officials at Cal-OSHA and the Labor Commissioner’s Office on trainings on workplace health, safety, and wage and hour rights.
Proposals for this category of funding will need to articulate the number of participants served and clearly identify the type of outreach/recruitment that will be used.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
Eligible Grant applicants are limited to organizations that support equal representation in the construction workforce, including:
Community-based Organizations
Local Education Agencies
Workforce Development Boards
State Registered construction apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship program sponsors
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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