Dam Safety and Climate Resilience Local Assistance Program

Senate Bill 122 added Part 4, Section 6700 to the Water Code to create a new program, the Dam Safety and Climate Resilience Local Assistance Program, within DWR for the purpose of providing state funding for repairs, rehabilitation, enhancements, and other dam safety projects at existing state jurisdictional dams and associated facilities that were in service prior to January 1, 2023.
Approximately 10 percent of the 1,236 State jurisdictional dams regulated by DWR’s Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) have been assigned a condition assessment classification of less than “Satisfactory” (e.g., they have noted deficiencies that need remediation). In many cases, these dams pose a significant threat to communities downstream. As an interim risk reduction measure, more than 40 of these dams have had reservoir restrictions imposed. The loss of water storage from these reservoir restrictions is about 350,000 acre-feet. Many dam owners, even those with sources of funding, do not have the ability to secure funding for dam remediation or improvement projects. This program will provide much-needed grant funding for the repair, retrofit, and rehabilitation of these critical infrastructure facilities, reduce the unacceptable risks to the public, and regain lost storage capacity that is needed to face California’s climate-related water shortages.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Business
- Individual
- Nonprofit
- Other Legal Entity
- Public Agency
To be eligible for DSCR funds, the following conditions must be met: - The dam must be a California State Jurisdictional Dam. - The dam must have a downstream hazard classification, as determined by DSOD, of Significant, High, or Extremely High. - The dam owner must be in compliance with DSOD’s dam safety program. - The dam owner must not have any delinquent annual DSOD fees.
Eligible Geographies:
Projects must occur in California
Matching Funding Requirement:
Applicants may propose a reduced local cost-share of up to 50% (making the project 0% local cost share) if the project would cause extreme financial hardship to the grant recipient and the dam poses an unacceptable public safety risk.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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