Access Clean California Grant Solicitation FY 2023-2024

The California Air Resources Board is soliciting a Grantee to serve as the Access Clean California Administrator. The overarching purpose of this program is to increase consumer awareness of the State’s clean transportation and related clean energy incentive programs through coordinated outreach and technical assistance provided by community-based organizations in the State’s most impacted and underinvested communities.
Through this Solicitation, the California Air Resources Board (CARB or the Board) is soliciting a Grantee to serve as the Access Clean California Administrator (the Grantee). The overarching purpose of this program is to increase consumer awareness of the State’s clean transportation and related clean energy incentive programs through coordinated outreach and technical assistance provided by community-based organizations in the State’s most impacted and underinvested communities.
Access Clean California is an existing, multi-faceted outreach effort that helps streamline access to California Climate Investments' consumer-facing, equity-focused clean transportation and clean energy incentive programs for low-income and disadvantaged communities. Access Clean California provides resources to nonprofits, community-based organizations (CBO), and similar grassroots organizations to help families in low-income and disadvantaged communities learn about, apply for, and participate in clean transportation and clean energy incentive programs.
Through the Low-Carbon Transportation Investments Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Funding Plan, CARB made $5 million available for a Grantee to continue implementing Access Clean California. One applicant will be selected from this open, competitive process and awarded the grant. All application materials and instructions can be found here.
This competitive solicitation is open to federal, State, or local government entities or agencies, and California nonprofit organizations8 with expertise in building and maintaining key partnerships, effective outreach to underserved communities, and climate equity incentive programs. Specific requirements for the Grantee are described in this solicitation and the Draft Sample Grant Agreement (Sample Grant Agreement) (Appendix B). Eligible applicants must meet all applicable requirements of State laws and regulations, the AQIP Guidelines, the FY 2023-24 Funding Plan, and this solicitation. To be considered for the grant award, applicants must fully complete the 2023-24 Application (Appendix A) and demonstrate that they meet the Required Elements (see Section V of this solicitation). The applicant must be in good standing with the Franchise Tax Board and Internal Revenue Service. CARB may request clarification regarding application responses during the application review process.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible Applicants:
- Nonprofit
- Public Agency
- Tribal Government
This competitive solicitation is open to federal, State, or local government entities or agencies, and California nonprofit organizations with expertise in building and maintaining key partnerships, effective outreach to underserved communities, and climate equity incentive programs. The applicant must be in good standing with the Franchise Tax Board and Internal Revenue Service.
Eligible Geographies:
This competitive solicitation is open to federal, State, or local government entities or agencies, and California nonprofit organizations with expertise in building and maintaining key partnerships, effective outreach to underserved communities, and climate equity incentive programs. California-based non-profit organizations must at all times be registered with and in active/good standing with the California Secretary of State.
Important Dates
Funding Details
How to Apply
State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.
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