Annual Report – July 2023-2024
The California Grants Portal (, born out of the Grant Information Act of 2018 (Stats. 2018, Ch. 318), launched on July 1, 2020. To create this user-centered one-stop-shop funding destination, the California State Library collaborated with more than 60 state agencies, departments, commissions, and bureaus that award grants or loans on a competitive or first-come basis. AB132 (section 8334.1) expanded the Grants Portal mission, requiring state grantmakers to submit post award data for all grants closing on or after July 1, 2022.
Comparing data from the 2022-2023 to 2023-2024 fiscal years, the Grants Portal saw growth in the number of visitors to the portal (58%) and the number of grant and loan opportunities posted to the portal (12%).
The rise in opportunities on the portal this year is due primarily to an increase in grantmaking activity by the California Energy Commission, the Department of Health Care Access and Information, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Department of Housing and Community Development, the CA Department of Food and Agriculture, and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.
Grantmaking entities new to the portal in the 2023-2024 fiscal year were the CA Health and Human Services Agency, the Office of the State Public Defender, the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy, and the Transportation Commission.
View or download current California Grants Portal data from the California Open Data Portal.
01. How many state entities posted grants on the California Grants Portal in the 2023-2024 fiscal year?
boards, commissions, conservancies, councils, agencies, departments, and offices published funding opportunities on the Grants Portal.

California State Library, California Grants Portal Data, July 2024. View more details.
02. How many opportunities were available on the California Grants Portal?
funding opportunities were published on the Grants Portal—a nearly 12% increase in opportunities from 2022-2023.

California State Library, California Grants Portal Data, July 2024. View more details.
03. How do agencies determine available funding per opportunity? *

California State Library, California Grants Portal Data, July 2024. View more details.
04. How much funding was available per opportunity?

California State Library, California Grants Portal Data, July 2024. View more details.
05. How many visitors came to the California Grants Portal?
users visited the Grants Portal between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024 — a 58% increase in visits from 2022-2023 fiscal year.
California State Library, California Grants Portal Data, July 2024. View more details.
06. Which California Grants Portal pages were visited the most?

California State Library, California Grants Portal Data, July 2024. View more details.
07. How many applications were submitted?
applications were submitted for opportunities available on the Grants Portal*
*Calculation includes applications submitted for ongoing and closed grants . Please advise, this number is accurate as of July 19, 2024.
California State Library, California Grants Portal Data, July 2024. View more details.
08. Public Awareness like efforts since project implementation through December 2024.

California State Library, California Grants Portal Data, July 2024. View more details.
09. Post award data for fiscal year 2023-2024 per AB 132 (section 8334.1).
AB132 (section 8334.1) expanded the Grants Portal mission, requiring state grantmakers to submit post award data for all grants closing on or after July 1, 2022. Grantmakers may begin submitting post award information as soon as a grant closes, and the data is finalized. Complete post award data should be submitted within 6 months of a grant closing (application deadline). Grantmakers that need additional time to collect awardee information must submit post award data within 12 months of a grant closing. Post award information for ongoing grants is due at the end of each fiscal year (no later than July 1). Grantmakers do not need to submit post award data for ongoing grants that have been open for less than one month.
Comprehensive, up-to-date post award grant information is available on the California Grants Portal Statistics Dashboard. Updated every 24 hours, this dashboard offers an overview of the total grants funded, number of awarding departments, and funding by recipient type. Users can drill down by geographic region (county, out-of-state, or statewide) and county. And whereas this report only provides summary data for grants offered for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, the dashboard offers a running total of estimated funding available, grants offered (including a breakdown by type – forecasted, active, or closed), participating departments, and the top ten funding departments from July 1, 2020, to present.
10. Testimonials from the grantseekers.
Here are several testimonials collected by CalNonprofits throughout California to share the experience of California Grants Portal:
- “I appreciate the gift of access to the California Grants Portal, it is an added value to help us look for grants, and it shows the extra mile to make sure we have access to valuable resources for our organizations.”
- “Learning about the California Grants Portal website has helped to ensure that I am better equipped to handle grants for my organization.”
- “The California Grants Portal is an insightful and valuable resource for nonprofits. It provides a comprehensive overview of available grants, their eligibility criteria, application processes, and it’s free!”
- “Having access to California Grants Portal has prepared me to better identify grants that our organization can go for, and it has made me less apprehensive about taking the lead to write some of them. This is also going to help me and our organization when we look for a grant writer or a development coordinator.”
- “I am a nonprofit who uses the California Grants Portal to help on collaborative grant applications in our region. The subscription allows us to notify nonprofits in our region to help coordinate collaborative applications. We especially like the Post Award Dashboard, which helps us identify opportunities that align with our collaborative efforts.”
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